Hello and welcome to the 5th development update from the team here at Meme Lordz!
We hope you have had a fruitful week & are looking forward to diving into what we have in store for you 😀
This week we have continued refining the first incarnation of our battle system, pushed ahead with NPC interactions, story conditions & character design. Below you will see the beginnings of our NPC interactions & a brand new battle scene with incredible new background artwork!

NPC Interactions:
Our NPC system is nearly complete and we have started dropping in and testing out NPCs, signs & information boards! While the preview may not look overly impressive, alot of logic has been implemented on the back-end to give us a rich variety of NPC conditions as well as localization tables which will allow easy translation into other languages, which is very important to us!
Many of the basic systems are having a-lot of extra resources poured into them so that when we go multiplayer & international, our workflow is smooth and modular, allowing quick expansion.
Below we preview the very first NPC interactions to enter the game! Begin learning about the history of planet Memnon by reading the runic stones in the Meme Stream Laboratory. Hear about the creepy tenancies of Professor Ark from lab students. We are just getting started!
Battle System Updates:
We are been working tirelessly to get the battle system over the line for deeper testing. Milan has been focusing on balancing back-end data and coding the unique STATUSES that can be applied to Meme Lordz with special abilities. Each TYPE has a related STATUS. Some moves have a % chance to trigger status changes, while others cause the change 100%. Our next update will reveal the full details of our TYPES & STATUSES but for now we will preview some below.
SPIRITUAL TYPE — Moves have a chance to trigger the Enlightened Status, causing the target Meme Lord to become immune to all status changes.
POLITICAL TYPE — Moves have a chance to trigger the Corrupted Status. A Corrupted Meme Lord will have a % chance to damage itself every turn.
Healers & Hybrid spec’d Meme Lordz will be essential to dispel these Status effects.
We have created a new battle for you all!!
Witness Rick Astley using Brown Note on a Privileged White Boy, while being healed from a party member!
Community & Marketing:
Head over to our twitter page to join in the first twitter battle competition! Use a like or retweet to vote for which Meme Lord you think will win! One person from the winning side will be randomly chosen to win some $Lordz tokens 😀
Our first competition and community poll for new Meme Lordz & associated evolution’s will start in a-few days so get your brainstorming caps on, the best submissions will also win $Lordz tokens!
Our organic marketing campaigns continue to roll out! We are turning heads with notable crypto writers and reporters posting about Meme Lordz and sharing the good word of the $Lordz.
After this medium post goes live, we will have a number of influencers posting about us to add to the hype train currently chugging in the Meme Lordz camp.

Moving Forward!
Now that our core systems are nearing completion we move forward with connecting these systems together and watching our game come to life! All of our pre-written story conditions and NPC dialogues can now be input into the game & we can begin placing the distribution of wild Meme Lordz throughout the map!
Next week we will have our NPC logic fleshed out so we can begin previewing the NPC battles, starting in the overworld.
We hope to have a full release date for our v1 beta within the next few weeks, but rest assured we are well on track to hit our roadmap deadlines!
Until next time,