Hello & welcome to another Meme Lordz development update!
The last few weeks have been an intense & fulfilling time for the team here at Meme Lordz. Watching as the floodgates were opened on our official Beta version, with full Meta Mask integration & a hard requirement of 100 $Lordz to play.
Since the Beta has been online we have watched 100’s of players create accounts & begin exploring the mysterious world of Planet Memnon. We have witness players catch rare Lordz, take down bosses, grind for rare items & complete quests for the Memnites of Memnon.

We have worked tirelessly along side our incredibly supportive community to push out regular, rolling bug fixes. As well as crucial quality-of-life upgrades at the request of, and inspired by our players. We will continue to push rolling updates between now & our NFT minting launch to make sure Meme Lordz is user-friendly & polished.
Amidst the chaos of a live game release, we have managed to make considerable progress on our NFT integration & artwork, in parallel to our work upgrades & bug fixes.
In-fact in this very medium post we will unveil a sneak peak of our long awaited Meme Lordz NFT artwork which accompanies each NFT minted inside the game. High levels of consideration & scrutiny have gone into the creation of this artwork & the associated increased rarity tiers, which come along with our Rarity Minting System.
Meme Lordz NFT’s:

Above you rests and immortalized Meme Lord. A noble Legendary Bro who accompanies many players through their journey to cleanse the Meme Stream of corruption.
This artwork sets the standard for what we are considering a “normal” Meme Lord NFT & will await all users who opt for the cheaper standard Meme Lordz minting option. For those who want to roll the dice & attempt to transform their Meme Lord into a Lord of higher rarity, stats & “Nature”.
The “Nature” Rarity System:

Introducing the Meme Lordz “Nature” system. This system allows users to roll the dice an attempt to mint their Meme Lord with 1 of 5 increased rarity tiers which correspond to that Meme Lordz nature. Each “nature” will receive increasing blanket, base stat increases from 1–5% respectively (this stat increases come into effect when using your Meme Lord NFT in the upcoming multiplayer system). Each nature has designated custom artwork as well.
A Meme Lord minted through the Nature System will gain a new temperament, the true nature of the chosen Lord.
Is your Lord woke? blessed? divine? celestial? or transcendent?

Users will not know which Nature their Lord will receive, that is up to the random number gods.
When we launch the Meme Lordz minting function, users will find a new tab to access at the Meme Stream. This is the place where players come to cleanse their Meme Lordz & help rid the world of corruption. Once a Meme Lord has been successfully caught & cleansed, it will be eligible for 1 mint.
Users will be able to pay with $Lordz and submit a Meta Mask transaction to mint that given Lord.

The minted Meme Lord NFT can be sold on the open market of the users choosing. These Meme Lordz NFTs will be required to play in the Meme Lordz multiplayer version which is currently scheduled for Q1 2022. More details on the multiplayer version will come after the release of our flagship, minting feature.
Burning & Redistribution:

When the smart contracts go live, so too does the built in redistribution & burn features. For each Meme Lord minted, 50% will be redistributed to holders of $Lordz, 25% will be permanently burnt from supply & 25% will be allocated to ongoing server costs and development.
This means that the more players we have, the scarcer the $Lordz supply becomes.
To save computation and gas costs when minting, the redistribution percentage will be funneled into a wallet until enough builds up. We have plans for a claim portal & future plans to implement auto redistribution. Until that happens, redistributions will be sent out manually on a weekly basis.
The redistribution pool also allows us to add other play to earn aspects to Meme Lordz including the conversion of our in-game currency Shard Dust INTO Lordz. We can also temporarily decrease redistributions & the excess allocation for prize pools & in-game competitions!
Release Timings & Marketing:

Our original date for NFT launch was the 1st of December. With all that’s gone on, and after assessing the state of our current Beta version we have decided to delay the main-net NFT launch until the 7th of December.
This will allow us the crucial additional time need to battle test the NFT system on test/main net before going live to the public. Since we intend for each NFT to garner some level of value & since that value maybe directly corelated with the time a player spend to obtain it; we want the NFT system to be so tight that no player can cheat, hack or glitch their way to a rare Meme Lord without working for it!
This also means the announcement of the top-40 project we are working with will also get pushed back to the 7th Dec main-net integration! But not to worry we have more in the tank for you.
Along with the NFT minting launch on the 7th we will also drop the Silva Palace Beta Content Update!
This features another 15+ hours of game content and expands the players level cap beyond 30 and into the territory of powerful final evolutions & rare Lordz.
When this happens users need only login to our current Beta site & they will be greeted with expanded zones, quest lines, Lordz and moves!

To touch on marketing briefly before signing off, I will mention some new exciting prospects & old ones which may have been forgotten!
We have just had a large streamer DeadlyJimmy go live streaming the Meme Lordz beta! Jimmy will be posting a 1min YouTube integration recaping the stream in a weeks time, to a whopping 300k followers on YouTube.
Our pop culture influencer campaign has been put on hold at the advise of our marketing advisor, to be reinitiated around NFT launch & better conditions.
On-top of all this we have had a number of key crypto twitter influencers post about the beta launch & we have been covertly working the proverbial ace up our sleeve.
We are in negotiations with one of biggest living memes in the world. We hope to partner and create some amazing social media & advertisement content featuring this amazing man. Please join our telegram to keep up to date with all the latest Meme Lordz new & leaks coming directly from the dev team 😉